Well-being Consultant

Wellbeing Consultant blond lady leaning on a her hand plant in front

Hi, I’m Faith Ellen a well-being consultant and a  1-1 coach . My job is to listen to my clients giving them guidance and reassurance, helping them on there wants and needs and solving concerns or problems which we all get through out life.

So what’s a Well-being Consultant?

With my sessions I listen and honour there position and never judge as life is endless and we always learning. I love nothing more than to be someones * go to person * when a person can not talk to others. I help over come anxiety whether it’s through financial concerns, family and relationship worries to just feeling low with no motivation or drive. We experience guilt to regret on many occasions. I help unravel how to get back on top of those problems with a high positive and reassuring boost to help you see that these low times can be easily strengthened and solved from my words.

I also help clients that are highly motivated raring to go but are in a stuck which direction to take first. Giving them the business tactic side of things to keep there path well clear and kept securely on the right road.

Well-being consultancy covers

  • Anxiety/stress
  • Guilt/regret
  • Motivation/drive 
  • Low confused feelings
  • Certified and insured 

Delivering 1-1 zooms/calls/in clinic 

Please contact Nicky on 07941951533 by text/what’s app to request your free 15min over the phone chat. See how I could be the right fit. Looking forward to being your breathe of fresh air 😊. Well-being consultancy is the way to tap into the right direction to health.

The person to talk to through challenging times or some reassurance when you can’t turn to others.

I cover many areas with my coaching which I can lift you back into reality. Grab that anxiety, concern, challenge, or the two minds you are in. With my 1-1 sessions, I will pull you back to where you are wanting to be and feel. I aim to create a highly positive route, allowing you to walk out with the weight off your shoulders. Producing a brighter, clearer mind from any area of anxiety or concern.

Faith Ellen – our synergy – Nicky Abell-Francis

I am pleased to introduce Faith for a great collaboration of her many talents. Faith specifically offers niche coaching for men / women as well as corporate clients. This complements my personal specialist coaching work https://www.zenchi-therapy.co.uk/coaching-for-functional-wellness-bereavement-chrysalis-effect/ We both offer Well-being work and hope to help you further in this area.