Learn skills to support your partner in childbirth
Nicky Abell-Francis
Active birth workshops are run as two sessions:
- First class – Relief of pregnancy symptoms, preparing for birth
- Second class – Labour & birth
Learning these skills to help support your partner in childbirth can be very rewarding for you and the mother. Both Active birth classes are taught from around four months into pregnancy, generally no later than 8 months. Skills can be practised and ease some symptoms in latter the months. Mum to be & her birthing partner attend together.
These comprehensive classes cover key pain relieving techniques for childbirth working with Shiatsu, Acupressure, essential oils, massage skills and Makkaho stretches. Exploring their use for maintaining a happy & healthy pregnancy. A series of stretches for allowing flow of energy throughout the meridian system. These being the lines linking acupressure points such as the Liver channel, Spleen channel in Chinese Medicine.

The Active birth workshops cover strokes, points & stretches all prepare the body for more ease of movement in labour with the therapeutic power of essential oil usage. All information we supply in note form for easy reference covering names of points, effects of oils, cost, how to use them & visual charts for finding acupressure points taught. The format of the sessions are fun & very relaxing for mum. Many skills can be utilised for everyday use not just used in labour. Why not swap and treat each other? Reduce stress levels whatever the cause. Active Birth classes allow partners to support and engage in the birth process and each other.
1 hour 30 minutes x 2 classes at £75 per class, per couple
Taken generally at home if distance feasible. Or within clinic Tarporley.
Once your Baby has arrived try our Infant massage classes. Perfect for dads to interact and get close to their new born. https://www.zenchi-therapy.co.uk/baby-massage-workshop/
Contact us
To find out more or book please call or message 07941 951533 or complete our enquiry form here.